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SENIOR Behavior Policy

Because seniors at Sonora High School are expected to possess the citizenship necessary to enter the work force, trade school, armed forces or college, the following is in effect:  All seniors must pass fifty (50) credits during their senior year in order to graduate.

Seniors who have not served their detentions will not be allowed to participate in Senior Activities.  In addition, the following will be in effect for the second semester:

  1. 4-5 days suspension or in-house     No Senior Picnic
  2. 6-7 days suspension or in-house     No Prom
  3. 8-9 days suspension or in-house     No Grad Night
  4. 10 or more days suspension          No Graduation Ceremony

or in-house

*NOTE:  If the incident happened during the fall semester and detention/suspension is not served until spring semester the above disciplinary dispositions apply.

Any major violation (theft, vandalism, causing or attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person, fighting, drugs/alcohol (possession or use, etc.), anytime during the last 20 school days of the school year will result in revocation of all of the above privileges. EC 48900

In order to participate in graduation, and/or receive a diploma, all seniors must:

  1. Complete the check-out sheet.
  2. Serve all hours of detention.
  3. Pay all bills