The value of regular attendance cannot be overstated. Consistent attendance is essential to a student’s educational success. Parents and Sonora High Staff must work together to insure positive attendance patterns from all students. In addition, the State of California requires you to attend school between the ages of 6 and 18, or until graduation. It is in this context that the following policy is established:
Any student absent from school for ten (10) or more days in a semester may be required by administration to provide a doctor’s note to clear any subsequent absences. When this requirement is invoked, a meeting with parents/guardians will be requested.
All absences must be cleared within three (3) school days. Absences not cleared will be considered cuts. One (1) hour of detention will be served for each period cut. Repeated cuts will result in progressively more serious consequences.
Being present for instruction in each class is the responsibility of each student who attends Sonora High School. The staff and faculty believe that promptness is very important and must be emphasized in the curriculum. Three (3) tardies will equal one (1) cut which will result in a one hour detention. After the third tardy, each tardy will result in an additional hour of detention. Students who are tardy by 20 minutes or more must report to the attendance office. Any tardy of 20 minutes or more will count as an unexcused absence.
DEFINITION: A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives to class after the bell. Excessive tardiness will be considered defiance of authority.